Code of conduct for Foster Parents 112
Code of conduct for foster parents & staff working in residential care facilities in Sierra Leone
- The code of conduct applies to all staff and volunteers working in the residential care institution and shall be signed by such staff or volunteer before he/she assumes any responsibility in or on behalf of the child care institution.
- Staff members and volunteers will work in the best interest of the child always in accordance with the Child Rights Act 2007, UNCRC, the Regulations for Minimum Standards for residential care institutions in Sierra Leone and the Quality Standards for Children’s Homes
- Assistance to children must be provided impartially, allowing no discrimination based on gender, age, sex, ethnicity, religion or physical ability.
- Sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defense. Staff and volunteers are prohibited from committing acts of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.
- The exchange of assistance, goods or money for children or other beneficiaries for sex, including sexual favors or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior, is prohibited.
- Where a staff member or volunteer develops concerns or suspicions regarding sexual exploitation or sexual abuse by a fellow worker, she/he he must report such concerns immediately to the head of the child care institution or member of the management committee or probation officer or such person as identified by the institution as the focal person to whom sexual abuse and exploitation should be reported.
- Staff and volunteers must maintain strict confidentiality and security of all information about the children’s past and present.
- Staff or volunteers shall under no circumstance use corporal punishment against children as a form of discipline.
- Staff or volunteers should never use language or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive
- Staff and volunteers should never act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children.
- Non respect of this code of conduct will be grounds for dismissal and/or legal action taken against the offending staff member.
I agree to this code of conduct and commit to abide by it