Welcome To

Variety Children And Family Services – ( V C F S)
( A Child Protection & Human Services Agency )

Our Mission

Variety Children and Family Services (VCFS) is a  a child protection agency  with concentration on three core initiatives. i.The provision of an Eme.....

Our Vision

No child should be left behind. Therefore, we provide emergency shelter for children in crisis and offer psycho-social counselling covering trauma, be.....

Our Ambition

We aim to complement the government's efforts in human capital development by caring for and protecting vulnerable children for the benefit of Sierra .....

Community Services

Loading Children’s personal items and food to Boarding schools

Taking children from the orphanage to boarding schools

The core value of Variety Children & Family Services is education which serves as an instrument to alleviate poverty. Children who fail foster care placement due to behavior problems are sent to Boarding schools out of the city. The children remain under the care of Variety children until they graduate from High school.

Young women and girls who were on the street, now attending classes in hair dressing

The effects of the brutal civil war in Sierra Leone between 1991 – 2002 dislodged the ambition of several young girls from school. As thousands of young girls dropped out of school due to the civil war, they had no other option but to engage themselves in commercial sex and drugs. Seeing the plights of these young girls and the psychological implication to the country, Variety decided to open an institution for hair dressing to get them out of the streets. In collaboration with YMCA and Save the Chidren’s Fund, we were able to train over 200 young women in three years. The course lasted for 12 months and on graduating , each graduate was given a startup kits to start her own salon. This effort made hundred s of these young girls self-reliant and out of the streets.

Final year students taking their final practical exams in hair dressing.

Girls taking their final practical exam

Changing Lives

Our responsibility is to rehabilitate the child by placing then in certified foster homes and providing them with a variety of support services which include but are not limited to:

Educational, psychological and psychiatric evaluations, drug and alcohol counseling if necessary, anger management counseling, self esteem building and family counseling if ordered by the court and if the family is traced.

Our Recent Programs